We are transforming the HR Management for the future world.
The aim of the HIRING project is to prepare people working in human resources management for the use of artificial intelligence in work tasks.
This objective will be achieved by providing them with an innovative training package that will be developed during the project, based on the following question:
“How can artificial intelligence increase innovation and creativity in human resource management?”
During the project, human resource applications based on artificial intelligence and produced by the project partners will be tested according to the project plan.
The HIRING project involves:
→ Institut de Preparation a L’Administration et a la Gestion, IPAG (France)
→ Seinäjoen Koulutuskuntayhtymä, SEDU (Finland)
→ European New School of Digital Studies, ENS (Germany – Poland)
→ Haikara (France)
→ Zapiens Technologies (Spain)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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