We trigger creativity, productivity,
and discovery happen.
HR, as many other functions within a firm, has been, is and will be impacted by the raise of new technologies. AI is the last of these.
The training proposed here is designed to give HR Managers the necessary tools to understand the changes of their profession and prepare them for the future.
The global aim of the programme and corresponding modules is to give an overview of core concepts on how artificial intelligence can help the companies in having more efficient and human centric approach.
To do so, 4 modules are proposed.

Module 1
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is considered by both professionals and academics as the main disruptive technology nowadays and in the near future.
This module guides you in the world of AI and its impact on industries and HR.
Through it, you will know what AI is and is not and what the words deep learning or machine learning mean.
You will also benefit from a global overview of the AI market and some leading AI solutions for different industries (from wine to finance, through health or retail).
Finally you will learn about the changes within the HR function.

Module 2
AI for HR: focus on recruitment policies
The way firms identify, target, select and hire individuals has always been evolving.
From face-to-face interaction, new technologies have given firms the possibility to meet with anybody almost anywhere on earth.
AI technologies offer a step forward with chatbots (for pre-selection of candidate), interviews analyses or pre-qualification of resume.
This module will lead the learners through the digitalization of recruitments practices and give useful focus on new AI technologies that will change dramatically the way firms recruit.

Module 3
AI for HR: focus on learning and career
As an employee you always want to learn and imagine the next step of your career.
As a HRM you wish to help developing your employees and their skills within the firm.
This module focuses on new tools available for career development (identification of rising stars, learning programs, and skills development), continuous learning and employees’ personal and professional improvement.
Thanks to study cases and professional insights, learners will benefit from concrete experiences.

Module 4
Sustainability and Ethics
AI technologies have manifold impacts on labour, organisation and society.
In order to use AI in a responsible way, this module provides a toolkit for critical assessment.
It introduces a number of biases of AI systems and their data infrastructures and gives insights into key ethical issues.
It works out central impacts of AI on work and collaboration within companies and addresses potential forms of inequality and discrimination.
The toolkit also points at legal and policy issues and summaries aspects that could make AI a more open and democratic technology in the future

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.