Empowering HR Management with AI
Human centric innovative approach and training for the management of human resources through the integration of the next generation of AI technologies.
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The HIRING program is a 360 e-learning solution for HR students, HRM and CEOs who think that being prepared to change is the best way to outperform the competition.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is considered by both professionals and academics as the main disruptive technology nowadays and in the near future.
This module guides you in the world of AI and its impact on industries and HR.
AI for HR: focus on recruitment policies
The way firms identify, target, select and hire individuals has always been evolving.
From face-to-face interaction, new technologies have given firms the possibility to meet with anybody almost anywhere on earth.
AI for HR: focus on learning and career
As an employee you always want to learn and imagine the next step of your career.
As a HRM you wish to help developing your employees and their skills within the firm.
Sustainability and Ethics
AI technologies have manifold impacts on labour, organisation and society.
In order to use AI in a responsible way, this module provides a toolkit for critical assessment.
News and Events

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.